Adult Swear Words Coloring Book
An Adult Coloring Book That Will Change The Way You Think!
Do you have that annoying inner voice inside your head? You know that voice that you would like to punch in the face sometimes? I don’t know about you but I certainly do. So I thought instead of fighting or being angry about it, why don’t I use that energy to change the meaning of my inner voice in a fun and entertaining way. This is how this book came to life.
Stop The Fucking Mind Chatter is not just a curse words coloring book for entertainment but also to build that muscle inside of your mind to think differently about that voice in your head and to change the meaning of it. Because often times we are not even aware of that mind chatter but we see the negative results we would like to avoid. As my friend and mentor Robert Dilts used to say, if you have no awareness you have no choice.
So let’s shine some light on some of these phrases we are telling ourselves, but from a place of curiosity and calmness, so we can then have the choice to change the meaning and not accept it as a fact.